Tomcat or insect species fiscipes Paederus community lately because of the horrendous attack the Surabaya. Tomcat attack victims experience dermatitis, the skin such as blisters, discharge, and feel itchy. Behind the problems preventing the attack, which inflicted wounds, as well as what causes the emergence of these insects, there are other things that is interesting, that is a matter of names. Why is tomcat called?
Professor of Insects from the Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB), Aunu Rauf, tomcat revealed that the insect is an insect that is familiar to the people of Indonesia. In some areas of Indonesia, the insects often referred to tomcat ant or ants kayap Kanai. According Aunu, this is a true beetle species Paederus fuscipes beetles.
Tomcat's name itself is actually a brand overseas population control products and rodent glue products ants. Tomcat is also a pesticide product. English beetles tomcat is also often called Rove beetle. This includes the type of beetle family Staphylinidae, consisting of thousands of genus and species of approximately 46 000. Fiscipes Paederus species is a type of beetle that goes in the genus Paederus. In total, there are about 12 species into the genus. The characteristics of this insect has a black head, thorax and abdomen orange, and blue wings. Striking colors serves as a warning to predators that these insects have venom. The size is about 7-10 mm.
Tomcat used to live in rice fields. By day, these insects usually fly in the rice plant to find prey in the form of rice leafhoppers and other pests. "So, actually this tomcat bug or Paederus fuscipes are insects that are beneficial to farmers because it helps to control rice pests," explains Aunu. At night, these insects tend to be attracted to light. This is triggered by Aunu tomcat entry to the house or apartment residents in Surabaya.
The residents experienced dermatitis caused by insect toxins paederin produced with the help of bacteria. Toxins will come out when the insect is in danger or squeezed. Associated with the prevention of attacks of this insect, Aunu urged people to close the window or door meeting the evening before turning on the lights. Window vents can be closed with gauze to minimize the possibility of entry tomcat. Indonesia especially Surabaya area community, lately diresahkan with similar attacks of insects called Tomcat. Reportedly, the 13 districts in the city of Surabaya tomcat affected by the attacks.
Insect species of beetle that has a Latin-bettle Rove is indeed small, but when exposed to body fluids that contain toxins, the impact is pretty terrible on the skin. The skin becomes hot, red and even cause a painful lump. The community is advised to be aware of this insect, by knowing the characteristics and habits. Tomcat insect body length, about 1-35 mm with a blend of orange and black colors. If at first glance, looks like ants and scorpions, but have wings.
Is actually a skin disease caused by Tomcat, but the bite is not a result of fluid that comes out of his body when it feels threatened. Therefore, for those who find these insects, it is forbidden to kill and avoid direct contact. Tomcat body fluids that contain a toxin called Hemolimfi named paederin. The toxin is called 12 times more potent than cobra venom. These toxins can also cause irritation to skin and eyes.
When exposed to toxic liquids Tomcat, the skin will react like chicken pox. There will be a red spot, then swelling. In addition to itching, the patient will also feel a burning heat. If left much longer without treatment, then there will be ulcers such as burns. For this reason it is important to perform proper first aid to the patient bites Tomcat. Because if the injury worse, it will be more difficult to remove the scar, including the handling of his recovery. Residents are also advised not squeeze if insects alighted on the body, enough to block the paper or puffs. When it comes to exposure to toxins, then the first step is to wash the skin with soap several times.
The characteristics of the affected skin of insects tomcat:
1. Red color of the skin arising
2. Skin feels itchy and hot
3. Mindless and irritating the skin will blister
4. If it is severe then there will be pus in the wound
10 Tips to Deal Insects Tomcat
To deal with insects Tomcat, Tjanda asked people not to panic. He also menyampaian 10 tips for people to face the following Tomcat bug:
1. If no insects are found, do not panic and do not push, so that toxins are not on the skin. Put it in the plastic carefully, keep waste to a safe place.
2. Avoid contact of this beetle on open skin.
3. Keep the door closed and when there is a window given a mosquito net to prevent beetle entry.
4. Using bed nets if sleeping in your area are many of these problems.
5. When the insects are so many, it can also be given light protective netting to prevent the beetles fall into humans.
6. Do not rub the skin or eyes when beetles are exposed to our skin.
7. When the beetle is in our skin, remove it carefully, with the blowing of paper to take a beetle ataumengunakan carefully.
8. Perform an inspection to the walls and ceiling near the light before bedtime. When encountered, immediately turned off by spraying insecticide. Get rid of without touching it.
9. Immediately give water and soap on the skin in contact with these insects.
10. Clean the home environment, especially plants that are not maintained at around the home can be a place Paederus beetles.
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